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Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., June 1, 2003; 88(6): 2445 - 2461. [Full Text] [PDF] S. M. Grundy N-3 Fatty Acids: Priority for Post-Myocardial natural Infarction Clinical Trials Circulation, natural April 15, 2003; 107(14): 1834 - 1836. [Full Text] [PDF] S. E. Schober, T. H. Sinks, R. L. Jones, P. M. Bolger, M. McDowell, J. Osterloh, E. S. Garrett, R. A. Canady, C. F. Dillon, Y. Sun, C. B. Joseph, and K. R. Mahaffey Blood Mercury Levels in US Children and Women of Childbearing Age, 1999-2000 JAMA, April 2, 2003; 289(13): 1667 - 1674. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] F. B. Hu and W. C. Willett Optimal Diets to Prevent natural Heart Disease--Reply JAMA, March 26, 2003; 289(12): 1510 - 1511. [Full Text] [PDF] Correction for vol. 23, p. e20 * (Correction notification for Circulation 2002;106:2747-2757)Correction for vol. 23, p. e20 Arterioscler.
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