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The statue is the largest ever designed by an AMerican sculptor and is said to have been made from the largest single block of marble carved since the days of Michael Angelo’s figure of David. ... ... 16 March 1922, New York Times, pg. 13: SAYS “VIRTUE” STATUE DEGRADES WOMEN michael'sfat boy p 51 wwii ballpoint pen Hylan Provides Open Meeting for Those Protesting Proposed michael'sfat boy p 51 wwii ballpoint pen MacMonnies Group ... ... 22 November 1925, New York Times, pg. 28: MACMONNIES michael'sfat boy p 51 wwii ballpoint pen ACCEPTS NICKNAME FOR STATUE Sculptor Reconciled to “The Rough Guy” as Substitute for “Civic Virtue.” Before sailing yesterday for Liverpool on the Cunarder Franconia for a six weeks’ holiday, Frederick MacMonnies, the sculptor, said that he had himself begun to think of his statue in City Hall Park, “Civic Virtue,” as “The Rough Guy,” the name bestowed upon it by newspaper men.