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The characters, especialy old Jack Burton, the dialogs (I mean...Jack's quotes, c'mon) and the whole universe of magic and dog treats misticism Carpenter dog treats creates. Wonderfil Movie. Kurt Wagner (regular favourites) wrote on 20 september 2004 Great selection of movies you have here. But #20....? Andy Brierley wrote on 22 august 2004 Hey Boy, I say Boy, great list. I'm sure dog treats we would have more than the 21% affinity it says we have! Aldo Iannotti wrote on 25 june 2004 Really a great list !!! I'm agree with Ion, a list to admire. Ion Martea wrote on 4 november 2003 A list to admire... Jacob Steinbrook wrote on 10 august 2003 Really good list. I'm a huge fan of pretty much every movie on your list. Good job. Gustavo H.R. wrote on 27 july 2003 Opa! Outro português? Sou brasileiro. Gostei muito da tua lista, João.