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Convinced that he deserves whatever he wants, he takes what he wants; ordinary scruples against stealing or killing just don't apply. He's awesomely gross in his greed and, as he progresses in the play's three acts from lowlife to prisoner to king, his uncanny ability to steamroll everyone in his path just gets more and more worrisome. Fatboy's wife ron arad is called Fudgie, and I lied a minute ago, for perhaps it is she who is the graspingest, awfulest glutton ever. (She is not, however, fat.) She says, "Others should willingly, instinctively, give all they have to ron arad the fat ron arad man and me or they should be unmade." And she means this. During the course of the play, we observe Fatboy and Fudgie in their home, where they bicker and quarrel like (as the press materials aptly have it) a live-action Punch and Judy, and where Fudgie rents out Fatboy's study to a handsome boarder who happens to be a professional assassin; in a courtroom, where they bicker and quarrel and where Fatboy subverts a trial overseen by a corrupt judge and a prosecutor whom Fudgie easily seduces; and in their royal palace, where they bicker and quarrel and Fatboy eventually orders his slave to destroy every living thing on Earth so as not to compromise his legacy.