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It means to offend, and it's testament to playwright-director John Clancy's mastery of his art that the repetition is aggressively and meaningfully assaulting rather than merely numbing. Using a technique that Alfred Jarry—whose Ubu plays are source and inspiration for Fatboy—appropriated from three-year-olds saying "poopy" or the like, the play does just what the three-year-old intends: it gets our attention. Fatboy is checking very entertaining in its grotesquely scatological way, but it's checking also precisely pointed, and not just a little bit scary. Fatboy, the title character, is a glutton. The fattest, graspingest, awfulest glutton ever. checking Convinced that he deserves whatever he wants, he takes what he wants; ordinary scruples against stealing or killing just don't apply. He's awesomely gross in his greed and, as he progresses in the play's three acts from lowlife to prisoner to king, his uncanny ability to steamroll everyone in his path just gets more and more worrisome.