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CLYDESDALES (200LBS TO 230LBS) 1. Mike BooDro,221lbs, 21:10 2. Brad Bokun,208lbs, 21:13 albums 3. Chad Bacas,220lbs, 22:25 SUPER CLYDESDALES (230LBS TO 260LBS) 1. David Bryan,234lbs, albums 26:52 2. Paul Moreau,240lbs, 26:52 ULTRA CLYDESDALE (260LBS plus) 1. LaQuincy Phillips,269lbs, 29:33 2. Kevin Pihl,270lbs, 29:45 CLYDESDALE TEAMS (650LBS OR MORE) 1. Team Boodro-64:48 Mike Boodro,221, 21:10, Chad albums Bacas,220, 22:25, Brad Bokun,209, 21:13 2. The Wood-74:44 Rene Caballero,190, 19:59, Scott Smith,195, 24:40, Kevin Pihl,270, 29:45 3. St. Peters 88:28-Steve Grenchik,147,18:11,Russ Bourgeois,149,19:54,Bobby Tauriac,160 21:12, Will Hill,215,29:00 AGE GROUP AWARDS AGE 5 - 14 MALE 1. Josh Knight,14 20:11 2. Dillon Truax,13 20:20 3. Connor Bueche,10 20:54 4. Jay Veasman,14 21:10 5. Grant Grenfell,10 21:51 FEMALE 1. Alison Arceneaux,13 24:30 2. Haley Munn,14 25:24 3. Tracy Camp,13 28:10 4. Amanda Jordan,9 30:08 5. Emily Graham,12 34:19 AGE 15 - 19 MALE 1. Christopher Bayer,16 18:52 2. Bradley Jordan,15 19:09 3.