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All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation prime cuts License (see Copyrights for details). Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers Concerts • News • Rhapsody Music Player • Videos • World Music Search: MusicMovie TitlesCelebrities The Web Concert Search: Chubby Carrier InfoDateArtistVenueCity Concert Info ARTIST: Chubby Carrier WHEN: prime cuts 02/23/2006 WHERE: prime cuts Bourbon St. Blues and Boogie Bar Nashville, TN 37211 [close] info 02/23 Chubby Carrier Bourbon St. Blues and Boogie Bar Nashville, TN Concert Info ARTIST: Chubby Carrier WHEN: 02/25/2006 WHERE: The Duck Inn Evansville, IN 47712 [close] info 02/25 Chubby Carrier The Duck Inn Evansville, IN Concert Info ARTIST: Chubby Carrier WHEN: 02/26/2006 WHERE: The Duck Inn Evansville, IN 47712 [close] info 02/26 Chubby Carrier The Duck Inn Evansville, IN Concert Info ARTIST: Chubby Carrier WHEN: 02/28/2006 WHERE: The Duck Inn Evansville, IN 47712 [close] info 02/28 Chubby Carrier The Duck Inn Evansville, IN Concert Info ARTIST: Chubby Carrier WHEN: 03/03/2006 WHERE: Famous Dave's Barbeque Minneapolis, MN 55407 [close] info 03/03 Chubby Carrier Famous Dave's Barbeque Minneapolis, MN Concert Info ARTIST: Chubby Carrier WHEN: 03/04/2006 WHERE: Famous Dave's Barbeque Minneapolis, MN 55407