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Personnel: Ernie Royal, Irving Markowitz, Al Stewart, Nick Travis, Bernie Glow: trumpets; Frank Rehak, Bob Brookmeyer, Jim Dahl, Bill Elton, Tom Mitchell: trombones; Sam Most, Sam Marowitz, Al Cohn, Pete Mondello, Danny Bank: reeds; Marty Napoleon: piano; Chubby Jackson: bass; Don Lamond: drums. Style: Big Band Review Published: August 31, 2005 Listen & Buy Select a music store Abstract Logix Amazon Barnes & Noble CD Baby CD Universe IndieJazz Jazz Loft MusicStack - LPs Tower Records CD stash Review Center(Search, View Recent...) Most Read CD Reviews(in the last 30 days) Search for future jazz releases stash at theUpcoming Releases Center John stash Bishop Nothing if Not Something Featured Product Jazz Poster Art Mario Pavone "Deez" More Downloads | Top 100 Promote Your Music   -   Donate   -   More Jazz News   -   Jazz Music Directory   -   Bookmark Us!
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