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We’re keeping track of how much she eats and every time she nurses, she also gets a bottle of formula which she’s gotten to enjoy. The silver lining for me is that I now get to harper feed her a lot. There is nothing quite like having harper your baby on your lap, contently sucking on the bottle. (I’m sure harper Jfer would disagree about the bottle part) Jfer’s also taking better care of herself, doing herbs and making sure she gets enough protein (hmmm, steaks!) We have another weigh-in on Monday. The doctor said that if her weight didn’t improve, she may have to go to the hospital. Luckily, after some initial hesitance, Magda has taken to the bottle and is now sucking the extra food down like there is no tomorrow. She has also discovered what “spitting up” means and usually reserves it for me (since I’ve been doing the bottle feeding this weekend).