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Your Father of Fun, Chubby Carrier © 2003 - 2006 Chubby Carrier. All Rights Reserved. This site is best viewed using IE V4+ at a screen setting of 1024 X 768. Home | Gigs | Bios stub | Photos | Articles | News | Music | Booking | Links   Biography     Quotes     Itinerary     Links/Downloads     Popa Chubby - Biography   Born Ted Horowitz, Popa Chubby is a true native son of the Big Apple. He was stub born stub in 1960 in the Bronx and grew up in a neighborhood made famous by Robert DeNiro in the movie A Bronx Tale. His parents owned a candy store on the corner of 181st Street and Arthur Avenue. His early memories of hearing the juke box playing the hits of early sixties soul and R&B – and the neighborhood teens flocking around it – made a lasting impression on him.
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