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c08001 Email Photofeatures. Chubby Checker Chubby Checker is one of only two artists who had a song go to the #1 spot on plumpers and big women magazine the charts, and return there at plumpers and big women magazine a later date. His signature song The Twist started a world-wide dance craze. He was born Ernest Evans in Philadelphia in 1941. Evans worked as a chicken-plucker and as a grocery store clerk at various times. He enjoyed singing and became known for his impersonations plumpers and big women magazine of well-known singers. He signed with the Cameo-Parkway label and became aligned with rock and roll promoter Dick Clark in Philadelphia. Inspired by a twist on the name of performer Fats Domino, Clark's wife suggested the name Chubby Checker for Ernest. He recorded four songs on Cameo-Parkway and one of them, a novelty song titled The Class, barely dented the top forty in 1959.
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