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that deemed safe by the government" Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoate Could Be Effective In Persistent Depression - Doctor's Guide, 10/31/02 The Great Salmon Debate - Newsweek, 10/28/02 - "Surprisingly, it is canned salmon, the raw ingredient trans fats of trans fats school-lunch salmon croquettes, that is always wild; the filet you buy at the fish market or the restaurant is usually farmed. “Alaska” salmon is wild; in the United States, trans fats fresh “Atlantic” salmon—the name refers to the species, not the fish’s origin—is generally farm raised ... Even people who don’t like salmon know by now that it contains omega-3 fatty acids ... It was Perricone, though, who elevated another boring piece of nutrition news into a full-blown craze by asserting that omega-3’s can get rid of wrinkles ... farmed salmon would be the color of halibut without the addition of a synthetic dye to their feed, which farmers calibrate from a chart to achieve the desired degree of pinkness" Eating Fish Cuts Risk Of Dementia - Intelihealth, 10/25/02 Eating Fish Cuts Risk of Dementia - WebMD, 10/24/02 - "Those who ate fish or seafood at least once a week had a significantly lower