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Adherence to the clinical depression supplement were assessed by clinical depression measurements of plasma, red cell, and adipose tissue n-3 fatty acid concentrations. The primary outcome variable was the incidence of recurrent VT or VF, but secondary variables were also assessed using serial implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) assessment, correlation of the rhythms with the biochemical measurements of n-3 fatty acids, hospitalization rates and quality clinical depression of life. The (ICD) was the best protection available to patients and stored rhythm electrograms which allowed documentation of rhythm endpoints. Eligibility Ages Eligible for Study: 18 Years - 75 Years, Genders Eligible for Study: Both Criteria No eligibility criteria More Information Publications Raitt MH, Connor WE, Morris C, Kron J, Halperin B, Chugh SS, McClelland J, Cook J, MacMurdy K, Swenson R, Connor SL, Gerhard G, Kraemer DF, Oseran D, Marchant C, Calhoun D, Shnider R, McAnulty J.