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gravel is probably kind of rough on their skin. Also include a large shallow water bowl. Keep the humidity high by misting the tank a couple times a day. Read more information on this subject in the Housing Your free fonts Pet Frog section. Suggested temperatures are around (Max 80°- 85°F (26.6°-29.4°C) down to 65°F (18.3°C) at night) (see the Frog Doctor for details on illness prevention.) Diet: These guys are big eaters. Flies, free fonts crickets, moths, mealworms, nightcrawlers, earthworms, wax worms, butterworms, small grasshoppers ... are all taken voraciously. (See my page on Dealing with Crickets for more free fonts info.) Habits: These frogs are fairly sedate...usually digging into a layer of leaf-mound or moss and hiding out, until the evening when it will come out to eat. These frogs can survive very dry conditions by burrowing in and waiting for the rain when they come out to breed...(See