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trigrhapy 0 entries digital photography Worth doing! The real leader serves truth, not people. - John B. Yeats First added to omfg_its_me's list (What is RSS?) get chubby → See more photos digital photography People doing this: cruelone 1 entry fatlover 1 entry davidlr25 1 entry James_Brennan Fat_lard snehalr2000 chubs Cleveland roger_thomas chubby13fat albindo81 → See all 16 people People doing this are also doing these things: get stand up fat rolls get extremely fat weigh at least 250 Entries from everyone: jc111290 4 things Untitled — 1 week ago I have done this. Worth doing! ive gained 20 pounds and am trying to gain 50 more Mar 11, 07:18PM PST 2 cheers | 1 comment fatty2 8 things Untitled — 1 week ago i give up. its impossible Mar 07, 01:50PM PST | 1 comment fatty2 8 things Untitled — 5 weeks ago I think it’s awesome when your shirt stretches out and you have a belly that hangs over your pants.