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for sharing! Hi Chubby Hubby Sounds like you had a great time in Malaysia, I am off there in October to visit my husbands olympus family who live in KL. We usually spend a few days at the Datai in Langawi or Pangkor Laut - have you ever visited either of these resorts? If not I highly recommend. Last time I was there I tried a Durian and to everyones amazement I really liked it, it was like a cheesy tasting fruit - a completely unique flavor. The soya sauce sounds worthy of an award I would love olympus to try olympus myself. Thanks for sharing, CH :-) However, I hesitate to impose on anyone to go hunt down the soy sauces & lug the heavy (and potentially messy) bottles back...Quick! Somebody import the soy sauces and market it here in Singapore! I want!