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The Fresh Fish Co. Overall Denver Restaurants Rating: "All of the fish is served boneless and grilled over mesquite wood. Live Maine lobster, lobster tail, and Alaskan King crab legs are among the specialties." The Keg Steakhouse Overall Denver Restaurants Rating: world cinema "You'll find a truly comfortable and satisfying dining atmosphere accompanied by world cinema a fun and casual bar setting. Each is a welcoming destination on its own, and together they create an energetic and inviting,..." The Original Chubby's Overall Denver Restaurants Rating: "Great taste, friendly service, and world cinema an authentic atmosphere make Chubby's the perfect Denver Colorado restaurant." Three Sons Italian Restaurant "At Three Sons, you will be seated in one of the most beautiful and elegant dining rooms in Denver and served by a professional waitstaff." Washington Park Grille Overall Denver Restaurants Rating: "Upscale thirty-somethings and the college crowd mingle at this popular neighborhood restaurant and gathering place east of Wash Park."
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