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My wife S and I spent a few acute fatty liver days there while working on a book we were putting together on Malaysian and Singaporean food. While there, we were lucky enough to be taken around by two charming women, cousins and local food experts. We followed them around acute fatty liver the island as they took us to cafés, restaurants, hawker stalls, a durian plantation, and several markets.At the edges of one of these markets, we came across a curious sight. Dozens of large acute fatty liver vats, filled to the brim with a dark liquid and what looked like crushed beans, covered a large vacant lot. As we got closer, the smell was overpowering. The air smelled toasty, salty and slightly yeasty. Opposite the lot was a small one room, open-air store. It was manned by an old man and his wife. Our feisty and energetic tour guides were regular patrons and quickly introduced the couple to us.The