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Me?  Man, in 2006 I plan to be bigger, badder and louder than ever! Let's start with the latest. First thanks to all the great fans and friends who made 2005 my absolute most successful year yet. From Santa Cruz bulletinboard to  Saint Tropez, we rocked the world and you all made it happen.    Chris Reddan Let me tell you about bulletinboard the band! I have the coolest baddest Blues rock trio in the world. Of course, Popa bulletinboard Chubby on guitar is joined by: Drummer Chris Reddan,  and new addition, A.J. Pappas on Bass. Watch out for some serious attitude coming your way this year. A.J. Pappas And speaking of which, after spending December, January and February doing some local dates and a whole lot of producing, ( I'll get to that in a minute), we hit the road in March starting in Denmark,  then Belgium, Italy, Holland and finally some shows  in France and Switzerland at the end of the month.
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