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We have met Mr. robert johnson CHUBBY, robert johnson and he is us. We have met S.M. Jaleel, and it is a plain-English, poor man's version of an American corporation, touting its own excellence, boasting of its plans to expand its product to the far ends of the Earth, and producing a product none of us really need. robert johnson To wit: this would-be corporate monster is spraying out tens of thousands of gallons of sugar water spiked with a modicum of flavor. Of course, the sins of S.M. Jaleel, whatever they may be, surely pale before the hilarious bumblings of companies like Archer Daniels Midland, Exxon, or the odiously evil PepsiCo, whose Burmese slave domes can never be erased from the world's conscience. But it's a bit sad to imagine that in every developing nation, companies like S.M. Jaleel are taking their lead from American companies and rampaging down their own little warpaths of expansion without limits. Even if American companies ever get their environmental and social acts together, we'll have a new problem on our hands: all those companies in the outside world that have followed our example, instead of listening to our sermon.