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Roy 'Chubby' Brown From baseball biographies Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Roy Chubby Brown) Roy 'Chubby' Brown Promotional Material Roy 'Chubby' Brown (real name: Royston Vasey, born February 5, 1945 Grangetown, Middlesbrough) is an English comedian known for the adult nature of his comedy, his foul mouthed approach and his outrageous baseball biographies costumes. He typically wears a pilot's hood and flight goggles, along with a colourful jacket in his stage performances. The controversial nature of his act means that he rarely appears on major television channels. Contents 1 Early life and career 2 Success baseball biographies as a blue comedian 3 Videos 4 Movie 5 Music 6 Anthem - You Fat Bastard 7 Trivia 8 External links [edit] Early life and career Brown was born in Grangetown, Middlesbrough and left home at the age of fourteen. He lived rough and held many jobs, at one time joining the merchant navy.
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