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Caramel macchiatos, Egg McMuffins, Lindor chocolates, sausage and sourdough toast - wrappers in popa chubby the wastebasket and steady, relentless growth. I put off buying trousers because they never seemed popa chubby to fit. I became unable to get the little folding tables completely down on planes when popa chubby it was dinnertime. Then, at 46, on a routine visit to my GP, she told me something had changed. I now had high blood pressure - 144 over 96, or something, which meant almost nothing to me. This, she explained, put me at substantial risk of a stroke or a heart attack within a few years. We had two options. The first one was that I should lose a lot of weight. The second, if I failed in the first, was medication. A few weeks later, not being any thinner, I started taking a diuretic. A month after that I doubled the dose. Then I was put on a beta blocker and, finally, a beta blocker and a diuretic. The blood pressure came down, but I still didn't, or couldn't, get it.