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Another 50 continued with the standard American diet. By 1955, worst 20 nes games 60 per cent of the first lot were alive, compared with 24 per cent of the second lot. By 1960, 38 per cent of group one were still alive and all of group two were dead. Nowadays, someone worst 20 nes games would sue. In the middle of all this, Pritikin went to see Morrison, had his own cholesterol measured and discovered it was more than eight (5.5 is the top of normal). An alarmed Pritikin had other worst 20 nes games tests and these confirmed that, at 41, his arteries were clogged and he was now officially suffering from coronary heart disease. His physicians gave him the standard advice of the time: stop all exercise, stop exertions, try to avoid climbing the stairs, rest, take naps and, if you get angina, we'll give you nitro-glycerine pills.