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Eur J Lipid Sci Technol 2003, 105, 3). Conjugated fatty acids are used in the production of alkyd resins to increase the drying time of treatment for fatty liver normal vegetal treatment for fatty liver oils. CONJUGATED POLYENES Except rare examples in animals, conjugated polyene acids are mainly found in a few seed oils as mainly C18 trienes or tetraenes. The oils containing these fatty acids are very important raw materials in the manufacture of organic coatings and polymers, as the conjugated unsaturation facilitates good polymerization treatment for fatty liver and imparts adhesive properties when properly treated. The most common are octadecatrienoic acids (7 species are known) :  - Calendic acid (8t10t12c-18:3) is found in Calendula officinalis (up to about 60% in Calendula oil) (Chisholm MJ et al., JAOCS 1966, 43, 391). An isomer (8t10t12t) was also detected in the same species.
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