treatment for fatty liver , burns, bronchitis, ear, symptoms of fatty liver , skin, plump princess , joint pain, anxiety and panic, 1984, arachidonic acid, cataracts, muscle, omega 3, polyunsaturated fats, lauric acid, monounsaturated fats, acetyl coenzyme a, fatty acid uptake, adrenal, gingko biloba,
observed the effect of fish-oil supplementation on Crohn's disease. The study concerned a group of patients who at the start of the project were all in plump nudes a remission period of this intestinal disorder. In the one-year study it became evident that the fish-oil preparation offered significant protection against the relapse of the disease. EPA and DHA plump nudes 50% Of the 78 patients participating in the study were treated with a placebo and the other 50% with plump nudes a specific enteric-coated fish-oil preparation. The daily fish-oil supplementation consisted of 9 capsules, providing a total of 2.7 gram omega-3 fatty acids, to wit 1.8 gram EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 0.9 gram DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). The disease activity was evaluated at the start of the project as well as during the research period by means of the Crohn's Disease Activity Index.