adrenocorticotropic hormone, plump djs , benefit, essential fatty acids in human nutrition, glucosamine, cardiovascular disease, drmirkin, vegetarian fatty acids, rosacea, plump thumbs , multiple sclerosis, lna, talk:omega 3fatty acid, subject area: adhd, feedlot, diets special conditions, 2004, cannondale fatty ,
A one-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of metabolic pathways fish oil (1.8 g of EPA, 0.9 g of DHA) in people with Crohn’s disease found metabolic pathways that subjects taking the fish oil had a significantly reduced relapse rate, with no significant adverse effects[28]. Similar gastrointestinal problems seem to be common in metabolic pathways autism. For example, our previous study of 50 children with autism and 50 controls found that parents reported children with autism had significantly more GI problems (p<0.0001)[29]. Similarly, endoscopies of children with autism have found mild inflammation typically throughout most of the GI tract, which has been termed “autistic enterocolitis”.[30] [31] So, the fish oil supplements which were shown to be useful for Crohn’s disease may also be useful in reducing the GI problems found in children with autism.