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For outcomes with few studies, all studies were included regardless of study design or sample size (minimum of five subjects). We citric acid cycle limited our review of studies examining the association between dietary omega-3 fatty acid intake and tissue levels of omega-3 fatty citric acid cycle acids to the larger randomized trials that met eligibility criteria for either intermediate or clinical outcomes. Data Extraction Each eligible study was fully extracted by a single reviewer. citric acid cycle Problems and corrections were noted through spot checks of extracted data and during the creation of summary and evidence tables. A second reviewer independently verified the data in the summary tables using the original article. Items extracted included: study design, blinding, randomization method, allocation concealment method, country, funding source, study duration, eligibility criteria, sample characteristics, number enrolled and analyzed, reasons for withdrawals, description of omega-3 fatty acid and control interventions or diets, intermediate and clinical outcomes, adverse events, results, and whether each study addressed each of the key questions.