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The Marauder fat fatties saddle has an even better shape and pleases riders of most widths and lengths, with the most room fat fatties to move around. Although those two saddles are good for several hours without a break, we began to squirm after two to three hours on the Kingpin, which has a firmer seat with a more limiting shape and less support. The Kawasaki saddle fat fatties is disappointing, especially since it is the heir to a long line of great Vulcan Classic seats. Although the padding might be the right consistency, it is in the wrong places. There is little room to move around on the saddle and a wedge at the rear surface provides unwanted pressure and keeps you from being able to slide rearward. As a result, average to tall riders feel cramped and almost everybody develops the squirms in under an hour. Kawasaki used to have great seats on its Classic series, but the last two, the 1600 Classic and Vulcan 2000, have been disappointing.