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He was placed on evening primrose oil (EPO), 2 gm daily. with a prompt reduction in thirst. Approximately I week later, dha his teacher noticed an increase in irritability and dha his dha mother a loss of appetite. The daily dose of EPO was reduced to I gm and then to 500 mg. On this last dose, his decreased thirst was sustained. At the end of I month, his mother reported that he no longer developed hives when licked by his neighbor's dog; he had less nocturnal congestion, his skin and hair were less dry. and he appeared calmer. An iron supplement and a salmon-oil extract (Max-EPA, I gm daily) were added to EPO. He was also started on a program of immunotherapy for allergy. Over the subsequent 9 months, his hair and skin became lustrous, the puffiness disappeared from his eyes, and he had no congestion or behavioral problems, even when challenged with sugar.