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The following Web sites have more specific guidance about fish consumption: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Fish Advisories U. S. Environmental Protection Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition: Agency Mercury Levels in Seafood Species Acknowledgment Special acknowledgment goes to the following individuals who reviewed this NebFact: Dr. Nancy Lewis and Dr. Georgia Jones, University of Nebraska Department of Nutrition and living Health Sciences, and Alice Henneman and Carrie Schneider-Miller, Extension Educators, living University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension. References Duyff, R.L. The American Dietetic Association's Complete Food & Nutrition Guide. Minneapolis, living MN: Chronimed Publishing. 1996. pg. 56. Lewis, N., S. Seburg, N. Flanagan. "Enriched Eggs as a Source of N-3 PUFA for Humans." Journal of Poultry Science. 2000. 79:971-974. Lewis, N., K. Schalch, S. Scheideler. "Serum Lipid Response to N-3 Fatty Acid Enriched Eggs in Persons With Hypercholesterolemia." Journal of American Dietic Association.