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Small particles of nickel or copper are added and the mix is heated to very high temperatures under pressure for up to eight hours while hydrogen gas is injected. This process destroys the essential fatty acids in the oil and replaces them bioinformatics with deformed trans fatty acids. These trans fats formed by hydrogenation are unnatural and as a result the human body is not well-equipped to deal with them. They also compete with bioinformatics essential fatty acids for absorption in the body. This bioinformatics blocks or delays the work of the essential fatty acids, creating deficiencies and imbalance throughout the metabolism, including fatty deposits in the arteries. Use only cold pressed (expeller pressed) nonrefined oils, (keep refrigerated) and non heated and not exposed to the light or air. No margarine (margarine is made from hydrogenated fats, and refined oils, that why it is hard). Margarine is one of the worst foods you can eat. No Hydrogenated Fat ( HF ) (HF is made from trans fatty acids).