back pain, thyroid disease, lupus, plump mature , saturated fats, treatment for fatty liver , burns, bronchitis, ear, symptoms of fatty liver , skin, plump princess , joint pain, anxiety and panic, 1984, arachidonic acid, cataracts, muscle, omega 3, polyunsaturated fats, lauric acid,
Partially hydrogenated oils contain trans fats that contribute significantly to premature heart attacks and other health problems (as discussed below). On January 12, 2005, the U.S. Department of Agriculture high cholesterol (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. The Guidelines include the following recommendation: "Consume 10 high cholesterol percent of calories from saturated fatty acids and less than 300 mg/day of cholesterol, and keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible." The Guidelines also contain the following strong message to the food industry: "Because trans fatty acids produced in the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils account for more than 80 percent of total intake, the food industry has an important role in decreasing trans fatty acid content of the food supply."