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This physiological state, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), results from a reduced supply of glucose (due to a significant decline in circulating insulin) and a concomitant increase in fatty acid oxidation (due to a concomitant increase in circulating glucagon). The increased production of acetyl-CoA leads to ketone body production that exceeds the ability of peripheral tissues to oxidize them. Ketone bodies are relatively strong acids (pKa around 3.5), and their increase lowers the pH of the blood. This acidification of the blood is dangerous chiefly because plump milf it impairs the ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen. Michael W. KING, Ph.D / IU plump milf School of Medicine / Sergio MARCHESINI/Professor of Biochemistry/University of Brescia / Last Updated: 10.09.2003 Brescia tour Home About Trans Fat Project Tiburon British Page What Not to Eat New Labeling Product News Eateries News Trans Fat News Diabetes Trans vs.