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A small clinical trial found that patients who were given fish oil concentrate for two years had lower triglyceride levels and minimal artery blockage when compared to those receiving a placebo.6 These results showed that consuming n-3 fatty acids daily may reduce the risk of abnormal thickening of arteries due to fatty deposits on arterial inner walls (atherosclerosis). A meta-analysis of studies on diabetes and fish oils fatty acids found a 30 percent reduction in patient triglyceride levels—particularly among subjects with Type I diabetes.12 This is noteworthy, considering that the high cardiovascular mortality rate of people fatty acids with diabetes has been fatty acids partially attributed to increased triglyceride concentrations in the blood.12Larger trials, such as the GISSI-Prevenzione Trial (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto miocardico),9 the Lyon Heart Study,10 and the Indo-Mediterranean Diet Heart Study,11 suggest n-3 fatty acids have a protective mechanism of reducing the risk of irregular heartbeats.9-11